Project creation

So, you’re prepped and ready to go having gone through What to do before starting and readied yourself for the next step.

At each step your information will be saved so you can go and come back at a later time.

Project information

The first thing to do is to fill out the basic information of your project. This includes a lot of the textual side of things as well as selecting your project’s category and subcategory.

As with all things in life, first impressions matter so it’s important you fill out your project information to a high enough quality as this will encourage people to join in. We’ve got some good tips to get you on your way.

Project Name
By now we’d hope you already have a good name pinned down (along with some basic branding to go with it) but if you haven’t, remember to keep it short and sweet and make sure it’s your product’s name and not a description of it. Remember, this will be shown on thumbnails throughout the site so it’s important to keep it recognisable and unique.
This is a short sentence (135 chars) that you can use to describe your project. Like your project name this will be seen on thumbnails throughout the site so it’s best to keep this to the point.
This is where you can go to town and win over contributors and potential customers. You have a lot of creative freedom here so feel free to use banner images and pictures to really sell yourself. At this stage, we recommend that you host these types of images on dedicated image hosting sites and then simply embed any images you want into your descriptions.
Category & subcategory

This is for organisation throughout the site and can be used for individuals to discover your project, either to contribute or to purchase it. If the categories you require are not listed, please drop us an email and we can add them for you. You can change the settings here at a later date if you wish to add the closest possible category in the meantime.


In order for you to save any project information in this first step of the creation process, you must press save.


The only thing required here is the banner image for your project. This is an image (PNG or JPG) that should be a minimum of 1024x576 px and should have an aspect ratio of 16:9. It will be cropped to fit the correct aspect ratio if it doesn’t.

A good tip for this image is to place any important content (Such as your logo) directly in the centre of the image and try to stay within 1/3rd height and 1/3rd width. This is because the image will be shown on your project page with different dimensions visible depending on the viewer’s screen width. In general your banner image should be mostly graphical so try to avoid the over use of text.

Project Positions

Positions are what potential contributors are going to apply to, they’re what tasks get sorted into and they’re pretty much the fundamental driver of project growth.

A position has three elements, the position name, the number of spaces and the position description. You should spend some time to craft a description which will give contributors a very good idea as to the skills required and the scope of any undertakings, and you should aim for at least 10 spaces overall throughout your project.


Having only a very few number of contributors in a project can expose it to the risk of collusion. This can cause a disruption to the autonomous nature of projects.

Your position name can either be from a predefined list or created yourself. If you decide to create your own custom position then it won’t be indexable and thus can’t be filtered in the project discover page. However, since we want to make as many positions indexable as possible, we can add these to the official list when the project gets approved.

For some more information about positions, see Positions


Once you’ve reviewed all the information you’ve saved, all you have to do is hit submit. Hopefully we’ll approve your project within a couple of days. You’ll receive an email when it’s been approved.