"This thrilling cooperative third-person shooter requires players to unite and combat alien threats to save humanity. Set in a galaxy facing annihilation, players form squads of up to four, engage in strategic battles, and adapt to dynamic missions and random events. Customize your loadout, unlock new skills and weapons, and experience a game world that evolves based on your actions. For freedom, survival, and unity, join the fight and stand together to secure humanity's future."
"We don't need more programmers!"
"We don't need more 3D artists!"
"We don't need more Concept Artists!"
"We don't need more Audio Engineers!"
"We don't need more Graphic Designers!"
"we don't need more Web Developers!"
"We don't need more Level Designers!"
"We don't need more Game Designers!"
"We don't need more Level Designers!"
"We don't need more Writers!"
5 months ago