"Arno, just completing his military contract, goes back to his homeland: Khao Manee. The Midlands are on the brink of mass warfare, while the Valerian Church are rioting on the streets. Through adventures, quests, expeditions, missions, and more, Arno travels around the Fidae continent. \r\n"
"A Lead Programmer: the team is looking for someone to guide the programming department and manage all of the programming related tasks. Must be familiar with Unity and Github. "
"Concept Artist: all of the ideas for this game are either written down in the GDD or in a few simple doodles. We need someone to bring those ideas, and more, to life in the form of art. "
"Working with the lead programmer to get programming tasks done. "
"Arist: this job could be the same as the concept artist, but you will be producing art for the marketing, logos, icons, sprites, etc. "
5 years ago