"We bring a fresh take to wargaming by making a world war two strategy level game for mobile devices. The touch interface, constant connectivity, and casual style bring energy to this old genre and will tap into a mobile market that does not seem to have other players.\r\n"
"Develop client side code for Android, iOS and WebGL through using various features of the Unity game engine."
"Write scalable server code using MySQL and .NET hosted on Amazon cloud."
"Create various types of 2D project art, including UI art, background art, map art, and character art."
"Contribute to game and scenario design, scenario scripting, organize user testing and provide feedback to the project."
"Enhance the product's quality through 3D models that are rendered in the game. "
"Morale officer and lifestyle coordinator. The secretary is the selfless mother who watches over us. "
"Design environment and action sounds for a wargame. Develop soundtracks that reflect a variety of moods during gameplay. Can use original content, purchased content, or free content. "
5 years ago
5 years ago