"Tricolonization can prove that population growth is more important than population control but only if every aspect of life is sustainable. Food, water, air, sewage and most important the money to maintain this lifestyle.\r\nAI will be used to insure that all aspects of tricolonization are sustainable and available to everyone."
"Python programmers needed for the new tricolonization coin we are developing."
"Concept artists are needed to draw the ideas behind the tricolomization theories."
" Web developers needed to help create several additional sites that are planned to augment the exixting sites to showcase tricolonizations' many uses: SEE: crowdmars.com and mars.foodpark.com (under contruction)"
"Graphic designers are needed to make all the web sites and social media pages have a professional look to them."
"Buyers will be needed to procure all the parts that make up the tricolonization communities using the new coin being developed using block chain technology."
"We need people that love networking on the Internet to find us people to fill all of the above positions."
7 years ago
7 years ago