Trion Flux

Chat Mapper dev making new single-player sci-fi adventure with epic story, team building, resource management, and tile-based minigames

"Some years ago I wanted to develop a game with a complex story and deep dialogue but ended up developing a tool called Chat Mapper instead. Now I am finally returning to my vision and need some help to bring it to reality. I have a PhD in engineering and I simply get things done. This game will be finished and please read more about my plan.\r\n\r\nFirst, a little about the theme and gameplay. This game will be a single-player sci-fi adventure and is highly story-driven. The gameplay will be tightly coupled to the story with character development and very difficult decisions along the way... think Life is Strange and Detroit: Become Human as recent industry examples. Meaningful tile-based minigames will be played between story elements. Trion Tiles represent all key characters in the game and are used to play out story situations, terraform planets, and hack into enemy databases. Visuals will be colorful and vibrant, contradicting what most people may think of when they hear sci-fi.\r\n\r\n**What's the plan?**\r\n1. Quickly (4-6 months) develop a prototype demonstrating all key elements of the game\r\n2. If we all agree it's fun, raise crowdfunding money and\/or publisher funding\r\n3. Keep the team small (3-5 people) and get it done in another 6-12 months\r\n4. Profit\r\n\r\n**What is our starting point?**\r\n- Many years of thoughts and ideas\r\n- Story synopsis and high-level game design document\r\n- Fledgling game prototype developed in UE4\r\n\r\n**What do I bring the the table?**\r\n- A huge passion for video games and desire to get something done quickly\r\n- Proven track record in software engineering and project management\r\n- Will handle all things technical and business related - I need an artistic counterpart\r\n\r\n**What do I need?**\r\n- More than anything else, I'm looking for creative generalists who want to be involved in all design aspects\r\n- I don't expect full time support but for sure a passion and dedication to get things right\r\n- Writing Lead: Help flesh out the story including branching dialogue\r\n- Art Lead: Take ownership of all things art and help outsource where it makes sense\r\n\r\n**What am I offering?**\r\n- Initially unpaid but open to some number of paid hours if you really need them\r\n- Small salary payment upon successful crowdfunding or publisher funding\r\n- Revenue share of all profits made by the game after release (this is why I think a small team is important)\r\n"

We're going to need...

Technical Artist
Game Designer
Concept Artist

How we're getting along...

  • New contributors have joined the project!

      4 years ago

    "\u003Ca href=\u0022https:\/\/\/profile\/N8cCoWbT\u0022\u003EPenfighter\u003C\/a\u003E, \u003Ca href=\u0022https:\/\/\/profile\/UYJ5X8JK\u0022\u003Efdepoy\u003C\/a\u003E, \u003Ca href=\u0022https:\/\/\/profile\/La2DSqNI\u0022\u003EJuxto15\u003C\/a\u003E, \u003Ca href=\u0022https:\/\/\/profile\/hdAhwDvB\u0022\u003Ebadmagictricks\u003C\/a\u003E, \u003Ca href=\u0022https:\/\/\/profile\/nj2U4vwN\u0022\u003ELeoStal\u003C\/a\u003E and \u003Ca href=\u0022https:\/\/\/profile\/muT8Fofp\u0022\u003EBradHP\u003C\/a\u003E have begun contributing to this project. Go them!"
  • We are go! Repeat, we have lift off!

      4 years ago

    "This is where the fun begins. Introducing... \n#### **Trion Flux** \nCreated by the awesome \u003Ca href=\u0022https:\/\/\/profile\/hp6rcfUr\u0022\u003Ebenmcntsh\u003C\/a\u003E."

Project media




Contribution points



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Contribution points

We want your ideas & bug reports!