Weight Train

Help a man on his journey of avoiding bad foods and eating healthy foods. Help him become shredded by making the right decisions!

"This will be a 2d game, where a man is trying to lose weight. However, it is up to the player to help the man lose the weight by avoiding foods that are unhealthy. The main levels will showcase the man escaping the depths of fat camp and trying to prove he can lose weight on his own. With fun sub levels too! An example of one of the sub levels is having his mouth wide open and a conveyer belt has unhealthy and healthy food items moving from side to side, the objective is to get the good foods into his mouth. "

We're going to need...

Android Developer

"I am new to this whole gaming thing, my interest in gaming comes with my ideas, I know how to code and design to a certain extent, but not very well. So I would like to take all the help I could get to create my idea into a game! So developing the game would be huge!"


"Help create the movements of the game etc"

2D Animator

"Help bring the game to life"

How we're getting along...

  • We are go! Repeat, we have lift off!

      4 years ago

    "This is where the fun begins. Introducing... \n#### **Weight Train ** \nCreated by the awesome \u003Ca href=\u0022https:\/\/crowdsourcer.io\/profile\/9tYPwCl1\u0022\u003Ebrencarr\u003C\/a\u003E."

Project media




Contribution points

We want your ideas & bug reports!