Everastecs (MMO)

Combat Building, Stat Resource Managing, Dark Fantasy. With a story that exceeds through multiple expansions. A original fantasy.

"### Task One: Combat\r\n\r\nThis point in time we are setting up a combat system. The system will be set up in Unreal Engine 4. Base skills and spells will be created so future Spells and Skills can be created just by a fill in the blank system. We don't need coding for this point in time, but assets are needed. To complete the Melee and Spell System.\r\n\r\nNOTE: This is hobby project, with no deadline. If you are entry and just learning that is fine since resources are provided. If you are looking for serious, elitist, company level work please be aware this project may not be what you are looking for. Also please be aware that if you wish to join, not every detail as whole will be provided and only what is needed to get the task done.\r\n\r\nTo explain this more please don't think of it as becoming a partner of the game where one would be entitled to everything on the table. Think of it as creating an asset package but instead opening it out to the public or an asset store it will be released for the project use only. Then when money, profit or donation, is made you will receive royalty on those assets.\r\n\r\nIf you do apply please take this in consideration. This is a very large scale project. Thank you. If you have any questions pop into discord. I hope this will clear all future questions.\r\n\r\nWe have:\r\nThe Story Outline\r\nSome Lore\r\nBasic Combat Systems\r\nConcept Ideas\r\nMap Outline\r\nTerrian (Part Built)\r\n\r\nWe are working on:\r\nMap Building & Level Design\r\n3D Models and Animation\r\n2D graphics and Effects\r\nCombat system\r\n\r\nWe are using:\r\nUnrealEngine 4\r\nMaya\r\nAdobe Programs\r\nStory Building & Character Programs\r\nMagixMusicMaker\r\n\r\nWe are looking for:\r\nLevel Designers\r\nProgrammers\r\n3D Model Creators\r\n2D & 3D Animators\r\nQuest Writters\r\n(At This Time)\r\n\r\nWe don't need:\r\nTesters\r\nOpinions\r\nBug Finders \r\n\r\n[Facebook Group](https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/groups\/1972774736378344\/) \r\n \r\n[Discord Channel](https:\/\/discord.gg\/NXhdAwE)\r\n\r\n[Project Outline](http:\/\/thirtysix.ca\/index.php\/everastecs\/) "

We're going to need...

3D Artist

"Creating meshes and rigging them for animation.\nCreating props and items for meshes and stand alones.\nCreating landscaping props and scenery items.\nAutodesk Maya, Blender, and other acceptable as long it can be exported to FBX file formats and static object meshes can go into OBJ file formats."

3D Animator

"Creating animations for in and out of combat instances. Autodesk Maya, Blender, and other acceptable as long it can be exported to FBX file formats and static object meshes can go into OBJ file formats."

Texture Artist

"Take sample of temporary texture for custom 3d models and enhance them by adding details, different colors variations, and more."

How we're getting along...

  • We are go! Repeat, we have lift off!

      7 years ago

    "This is where the fun begins. Introducing... \n#### **Everastecs (MMO)** \nCreated by the awesome \u003Ca href=\u0022https:\/\/crowdsourcer.io\/profile\/OQHpeB2c\u0022\u003EBcharette\u003C\/a\u003E."

Project media




Contribution points

We want your ideas & bug reports!