"[Here is a site that will groweth by the day!](http:\/\/www.tangledrays.com)\r\nWelcome to Felicity Toad, adventure as you strive to survive, in search of a new home for your clan, but the forests are dark and new to her, full of beady eyes and matted fur!\r\nSticky tree knots and slippery moss, dubious characters and friends alike, lurking and shirking between the bows, from hungry foxes to clumsy cows! \r\n \r\nUnfortunately here we witness Felicity in her first incarnation, her new design is about to be animated, which is something amongst many that I am learning to do. I am however proficient at creating tunes on my bass, which will be the source of all the music, or, I hope, most. This will be because someone marvellous has joined the team to help with the sounds and songs, could that be you?\r\n "
"You will be responsible for testing the game and reporting back any issues, be they bugs or lack of fun, also let me know where\/how it's working so I can do more of that"
5 years ago
6 years ago