"The Franchise is a mobile game that gives users the ability to take a rag-tag bunch of dodgeball misfits and turn them into one of the greatest sports teams in the world. Users will focus on team development, front office management, and stadium building, taking their franchise from games in abandoned parking lots to tournaments played in front of tens of thousands."
"The Franchise is seeking concept artists to bring our game world to life."
"The Franchise seeks a lead programmer that will be charged with building the core mechanics of the game."
"We need an artist to create the following: \n- Player Uniforms\/Costumes\/Cosmetics\n- Stadium pieces\n- Buildings and offices"
"The Franchise will feature watchable dodgeball games. We are seeking someone to create animations for players."
"The Franchise seeks a talented UI Designer that will be able to create an aesthetically pleasing interface that accurately captures the tone of the game."
"We seek a UX Designer who is able to ensure The Franchise's user experience allows players to immerse themselves in the game's team customization, stadium building, and front office management mechanics."
6 years ago