The Standing, A FPS Horror Game

The Standing Is a FPS horror game based in 2055where a outbreak of a virus Kills 85% of the population.

"After a deadly virus plunges the world into chaos killing 85% of the human population there are now what they call \u201czones\u201d these zones are watched very closely by the surviving government, people are checked every day for the virus, even if you touch the spit or any human waste or fluids of the victim who is infected, you will die. But one day, people in the west zone start to go missing, 1 woman goes outside the walls to uncover the mystery, is there more to the virus than meets the eye?, That is where your story starts.."

We're going to need...


"You will be coding the game in unity, YOU MUST HAVE KNOW C# AND C++(for future if you decide to stick around) and knowledge of unity"

3D Animator

"Animator must animate: monsters, the player character and anything else that moves."

3D Artist

"Must Create Props and character models, guns etc (knowledge of level design is a huge plus)"

Level Designer

"Must know how to use unity, design detailed levels."

How we're getting along...

  • We are go! Repeat, we have lift off!

      6 years ago

    "This is where the fun begins. Introducing... \n#### **The Standing, A FPS Horror Game** \nCreated by the awesome \u003Ca href=\u0022https:\/\/\/profile\/x5qurCk5\u0022\u003EReboundStudios\u003C\/a\u003E."

Project media




Contribution points

We want your ideas & bug reports!