Humanity game project

Humanity is a puzzle based exploration game. Instead of exploring the world you explore plot events and the psyche's of those involved.

Being a natural athlete, it’s not so hard for Connor to make friends. But for his shy little brother Atlas, bullies come quicker than friends. Sure, bullies are scary, but the monsters that chase Atlas in his dreams are scarier. And that cassette player that he found in his dream, it followed him to the real world. Can the monsters follow him too?

We're going to need...


Programmers will be responsible for working with the Unity engine to create the code necessary to make a playable, polished game.

2D Artist

Make all graphics necessary for the game


Creating everything from plot structure to characters to item descriptions

How we're getting along...

  • We are go! Repeat, we have lift off!

      6 years ago

    This is where the fun begins. Introducing...

    Humanity game project

    Created by the awesome trevor_trev.

Project media




Contribution points

We want your ideas & bug reports!